Dennis Chemnitz: Dynamical Properties of SDEs with Shear
Dennis Chemnitz

October 30th 2024

Dennis Chemnitz: Dynamical Properties of SDEs with Shear

Dennis Chemnitz

In this talk, Dennis presents recent results on dynamical properties of SDEs with shear.

This talk will be broadcast at 13:30 BST 30th October on MS Teams only.

Meeting ID: 393 527 089 878
Passcode: dsm7py


In this talk I will study the stochastic flow induced by planar stochastic differential equations in which the radial part of the drift term depends on the distance to the origin (“shear”). In particular I will derive tight conditions under which the flow is or is not strongly complete, does or does not admit a pull-back attractor and under which strong synchronization does or does not occur. Many of the methods used are new and could be applicable to larger classes of S(P)DE. The talk is based on joint work with Maximilian Engel and Michael Scheutzow

About Dennis

Dennis Chemnitz is a PhD student at Freie Universität Berlin under the supervision of Maximilian Engel. His main research interests lie at the intersection of dynamical systems and probability, with applications in mathematical physics and deep learning.

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